Monday, January 09, 2012

Ode to my newest job

This is the work I hate
The kind of work a hate
they give me enough for live
they give me enough for feed myself
the give me enough for have a roof, a home.
But they steal my freedom.
mathematics and phisics and all of that
is not what about is
I don't even use my mind.
I don't allow them infect my mind
clean hippothalamus.
Not a real Infected,
not a real slave, so.
But in a slavering factory anyway.
this is the kind of job
I don't want it
I give it to you.
Is my desire.
Is my gift.
Open It, Use it.
Now is you turn.
I'm not a slave anymore. Now I've been accepted.
I'm one of them.
I go with them fot breakfast. Lunch. Dinner.
We talk. We laugh. We laugh al time. Even I have them on facebook.
I got them Cellphone numbers. I call the friends, and i'm very very lucky of working with them.
Sometimes I remember when I didn't belong here, and I waste my time thinking in freedom and other nomenclatures.
Now is phisical and mathematical. Now I use my brain, the whole.
know I belong 100 %, and It works.
Know I'm free, i melted with them.
I belong them.
I own them.
I love them,
And I will take off my life if they decide to fire me one day...